your data

your individual application

database applications · machine learning · computer vision

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we develop individual solutions for your data and your individual requirements

database applications
web-based database applications with frontends for desktop and mobile devices

machine learning
data analysis from scratch to realtime applications with prediction models on desktop and mobile user interfaces

computer vision
ai object detection, object localisation and defect detection on high performance embedded systems



programming languages
c, c++, c#, java, python, swift

web development
html5, css, javascript, asp,, php

operating systems
windows, linux, ios, osx, android, windows server, linux server

microsoft sql, mysql

cloud services
microsoft azure, amazon web services, google cloud plattform



programming skills
1 - 5 day workshops
you can take part in all workshops without prior knowledge

  • s4a scratch for arduino workshop
    create programms for electric circuits on your arduino uno board
  • c arduino workshop
    build electric circuits and programm your arduino uno board with c
  • robotic workshop
    learn to programm LEGO® MINDSTORMS with c
  • c# workshop
    from scratch to your windows application
  • javascript workshop
    from scratch to interactive online games
  • php workshop
    from scratch to web-based database application
  • python workshop
    from scratch to your gui based python application


robotics for kids

the most simple way to program the LEGO® MINDSTORMS ev3 brick with c / c++
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kepler robotik
training offers and participation of students in robotics competitions at an austrian high school
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the styrian student robotics competition for middle school and high school students
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LBitec GmbH
it development & education

dr. leander brandl
ceo & founder

rudolfstraße 65c
8010 graz

FN 618577 y
UID ATU80309578

+43 664 39 84 962